At Urban Horse Project we introduce Vancouver’s urban youth to horses - many of them for the first time.
Today’s urban youth are facing an increase in mental health issues, social isolation and gaps in life skills - challenges exacerbated by a city life disconnected from nature. Through a unique and carefully-crafted horse program, we initiate connections between horses and youth that are proven to reduce anxiety, improve wellness, and increase skills and confidence.
Horses are powerful teachers.
Meet one of our experienced teachers: Harley
In Harley’s world, teamwork is expected and respected. He is quick to react and easily recognizes calm energy or anxious energy. Harley feels most comfortable when met with clear leadership and he’ll encourage his young students to be as confident, patient and calm as he is.
Harley can care for diverse and struggling youth the way no one else can - will you help us care for him?
Harley needs a safe pasture with his herd in Langley, hay for the winter, dietary supplements and regular visits from our local farrier to care for his hooves.
Safe Pasture
Hoof & Dental Care
Hay for the winter
It costs Urban Horse Project about $480 per month to cover these expenses for each of our seven horses. When Harley and his herd are happy, healthy and well cared for, they are able to do incredible work with our city’s urban youth.
Our goal is to raise $10,080 before the end of the year to provide care for Harley and our six other horses for the winter months.
Any amount you can give towards their care is be deeply appreciated.
harley & Liam
Liam rarely attends school and he doesn’t trust many of the grown ups in his life. The pandemic has added to his anxiety. Like Harley, his horse teacher, he is sensitive and gets uncomfortable when under too much pressure. But in a few short weeks of attending Urban Horse Project on Friday afternoons, Liam developed a really special connection. He was calmer and more engaged when he was with Harley. The horse became a bridge between Liam and staff from his school. In Harley’s presence they were able to have conversations and establish trust that wasn’t there before. This has helped Liam have more confidence and attend school regularly.
Help care for Harley this winter with your gift to Urban Horse Project.
All gifts are tax deductible and designated to our Horse Care fund for 2022.
In a teacher’s words
“Across the board, attendance and engagement in the Urban Horse Program was better than at school in our alternative program. Students worked hard to get there and participated fully in the sessions. Behaviours that we often see at school (avoidance, procrastination, distractibility, defiance) were essentially non-existent around the horses.” - Jessica Reid, Teacher
This winter, will you help us care for Harley and Urban Horse Project’s six other horses with a tax-deductible donation? Your gift will go towards the care that our animals need throughout the winter months. Owning and caring for our own horses ensures the consistency and high quality of our weekly program. Our horses are all carefully selected and trained in this important work.
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about how you can inspire urban youth by introducing them to incredible horses like Harley please get in touch. We’d love to hear from you! | 778.989.5671